Community Service Team of UM’s Faculty of Medicine Promotes Anemia Prevention and Supports SDGs Through International Collaboration in Taiwan

Community Service Team of UM’s Faculty of Medicine Promotes Anemia Prevention and Supports SDGs Through International Collaboration in Taiwan
FK UM Community Service Team at the GEBYAR event in Taiwan. (FK UM)

INDONESIAONLINE – The Community Service tlTeam from the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) successfully held the GEBYAR (Guideline Enhancing Balance Yield Against Risks) of Anemia event at Asia University, Taiwan, on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

This event was organized in collaboration with the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Taiwan and was fully supported by funding from UM’s Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM).

The event featured two keynote speakers, dr. Anditri Weningtyas, M.Biomed, and dr. Kiky Martha Ariesaka, M.Biomed, who delivered presentations on anemia, the associated risks, and preventive measures for adolescents and young adults. Approximately 30 international students participated actively in the event, showing great enthusiasm through numerous questions about anemia and even seeking personal health consultations with the speakers, who are both medical doctors.

This program also supported several sustainable development goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 3 (good health and well-being), SDG 5 (gender equality), and SDG 17 (partnerships for the goals). The focus on promoting health through anemia prevention aligns with SDG 3, as it contributes to improving health outcomes and reducing the burden of disease. By addressing health concerns relevant to both male and female participants and emphasizing equal access to health education, the program also supported SDG 5 on gender equality.

Furthermore, the collaboration between UM, IMM Taiwan, and Asia University highlights the importance of partnerships in achieving sustainable development, directly contributing to SDG 17 by fostering international cooperation and knowledge sharing. (red/hel)